Attendance & Punctuality

Absence - illness or medical appointments

Please advice us of absences as early as possible by leaving a message on the school absence line 01276 702540, select option 1.

For queries please contact our Attendance Officer, Miss Becky Sefton

Students should only be absent or late to school if they are genuinely ill or for medical or dental appointments, where these cannot be scheduled outside of school hours.  Any other absence needs to be requested and, in all cases, the Headteacher’s decision is final.

Absence - other requests

A request form (below) must be completed well in advance of the dates required. These can also be obtained from reception.

In law, parents and carers are committing an offence if they fail to ensure the regular and punctual attendance of their child in school.  If your child is absent and the school decides not to authorise it, this is then subject to legal action through a fine or prosecution.

From September 2015, all schools are required to work with Hampshire County Council to take legal action. 

Parents / carers who choose to ignore the law are complicit with their child’s absence. This can include:

10 unauthorised absences for 10 or more sessions (equating to five days) in 100 sessions.  These do not need to be consecutive sessions.  For example, taking a child on a family holiday or lack of proof as to why a child is not in school.

Persistent lateness to school and this lateness is unauthorised for 10 or more sessions within 100 sessions.

Any unauthorised absence during any formal school examinations, assessment or testing.

Please note that each parent/carer can be issued a separate penalty notice and fine for each child.

Should parents have any concerns about their child’s attendance in school, they should contact their child's tutor in the first instance.  Further queries to our Attendance Officer, Miss Becky Sefton

 Document links

HCC Information on penalty notices for non attendance at school

Absence request form